Ferula assa-foetida

assa-foetidaL. is a monoecious, monocarpic perennial herb belongs to the family Apiaceae. The genus Ferula (Apiaceae) consists of about 130 species worldwide with thirty species found in Iran, of which fifteen are endemics.The plant usually grows up to 1.5–2.0m height during flowering stage with canopy extending up to 1.0–1.2m base .The stem is short, stout, hollow, 10–14cm thick, succulent solid and smooth containing several ducts in the cortex that possesses resinous gum. Ferula assa-foetida, the well-known source for collecting asafoetida exudates, is an indigenous species to Iran (center and south) and Afghanistan. This species is often growing in mountainous foothills and cliffs and oleo-gum-resin is excreted from dissected roots . Collection of asafoetida is performed by cutting of the rootstock and pulling out brush-like mass. After 2-3 days, a slightly deeper cut is made and the mass is collected for 10-30 cycles. Tears form is produced at the first harvest and mass form in subsequent blades.


The plant carries a strong, tenacious and sulfurous odor. It is used as a flavoring agent in curries, meatballs, pulses and pickles. In India, Asafetida is used as a strong ingredient in Indian cuisine because of its odor which is similar to the garlic and onion flavor and is also used in meat . Ancient Romans used to store Asafetida in jars with pine nuts, which is used as a flavor in delicate dishes which enhances the taste in mushroom and vegetable dishes and adds a unique flavor to barbecued or fried meat. It is utilized in dissolved, solid and in powder form. In Ayurveda, it is used as an appetizer and is used to restore consciousness. The plant is also utilized as an antidote for opium. Traditionally, the plant is used to treat a variety of diseases like whooping cough, stimulates the intestinal, nervous and respiratory system, asthma, epilepsy, ulcer, stomachache, flatulence, bronchitis, antispasmodic, intestinal parasites, influenza and weak digestion. In Europe and the United stated, Asafetida is used in perfumes and flavoring. Also, it is used as an effective treatment against women to cure problems like unwanted abortion, abnormal pain, sterility, painful menstruation and leucorrhoea.