Coriander is an annual herb belonging to the family Apiaceae with 30-70 cm high, flowers small, white or pink, fruits- schizocarp and ripe seeds aromatic.Coriander, mainly cultivated for its fruits as well as for the tender green leaves. It is native of the Mediterranean region and is now commercially grown in Iran.
Coriander leaves are used extensively in Iranian cookings, and coriander fruits are used as a spice, an essential ingredient in curry powder. The juice of fresh leaves and the tea of powdered fruits of coriander are recommended for relief of anxiety and insomnia in Iranian traditional medicine. Similar uses of coriander, i.e. as a sedative or for relief of nervousness, have also been indicated in other folk medicine.
Essential oil of coriander fruit is used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and its fruit oil is also used in food and pharmaceutical industries . It is also consumed as a food digester, anti-flatulence, appetizer, muscle pain reliever and sedative.
steam distillation
The C. sativum oil from fully ripe and dried seeds is a
colourless or pale yellow liquid with a characteristic odour and
mild, sweet, warm and aromatic flavour, and linalool is its major
constituen. While aliphatic aldehydes (mainly C10–C16
aldehydes), with their unpleasant odour, are the main
components of the volatile oil from the fresh herb, linalool
and other oxidized monoterpenes as well as monoterpene
hydrocarbons predominate in the oil distilled from the fruit.